Tag Archives: Graveyard

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Live Review: Graveyard, Radio Moscow, and Daniel Davies (Manhattan 01.12.12)

Check out this review by The Obelisk and loads of photos from the show last Thursday.

Show Review: Exploding In Sound.

“Thursday night was a good evening to be stoned in Manhattan. That is if you were lucky enough to be at the sold out Graveyard and Radio Moscow show taking place at The Bowery Ballroom. The opening night of the month long tour found New York’s stoner rock community out in full force, and the anticipation could be felt from the moment doors opened” … [CLICK TO READ MORE from Exploding In Sound] UPCOMING SHOWS Mon/Jan-16 Washington, DC DC9 Tue/Jan-17 Richmond, VA Stange Matter Wed/Jan 18 Charlotte, NC Casbah @ Tremont Music Hall Thu/Jan-19 Asheville, NC Asheville Music Hall Fri/Jan-20 Nashville, TN Exit/In Sat/Jan-21 Atlanta, GA Masquerade – Hell Stage Sun/Jan-22 Memphis, TN Hi-Tone Café Click here to see more shows with Radio Moscow & Graveyard this month.

Boston’s Middle East (downstairs) Tonight

Thanks to everybody that made it to the sold out show in New York’s Bowery Ballroom last night. Boston tonight, Philly tomorrow … Come catch the show with us and Graveyard!  

Radio Moscow tour with Graveyard starts tomorrow!

Thanks to everyone that came to Columbus last night! New York City tomorrow and joining up with Graveyard! Thru/Jan-12 New York, NY Bowery Ballroom [TICKETS]

Graveyard + Radio Moscow (2012 USA Tour)

Graveyard + Radio Moscow (2012 USA TOUR)